Court Survey
North Vancouver Court Survey
Created by John H. Kennedy and Variath M. Kutty – June 2014
Please note: This survey is intended as a snapshot of public outdoor courts in North Vancouver City and District. Age, the elements, maintenance and the use to which the courts are put will affect their condition. The authors and the tennis community are grateful to the people at DNV and CNV for the good work they do to keep our community outdoor tennis courts in great shape.
City of North Vancouver Courts
District of North Vancouver Courts

Boulevard/Grand Boulevard
Location: 13th Street and Grand Blvd
Number of courts: Four
Number of parking spots: 34
Court surface composition and colour: Popcorn/Green on Red
Court surface condition: Good.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Four. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard + Tennis Only/No Dogs
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? Yes. Separate practice area.
Surrounding area and condition: Good. Open with a few shedding trees on South side.
Usage: Very well used.

Courts are very slippery when wet.
Has four new (chained) benches.
The practice court is fenced off and separate from the courts. Includes court lines and a wooden backboard.
Washrooms in adjacent park

Cloverley Park
Location: South on Cloverley St. off East Keith Rd.
Number of courts: Four
Number of parking spots: On-Street only.
Court surface composition and colour: Popcorn/Green on Red
Court surface condition: Good.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Four. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard + Tennis Only/Reserved for North Shore Tennis Association Wed and Sat and STANS Mon Tues Wed Fri.
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? No.
Surrounding area and condition: Good. See Notes below.
Usage: Very well used.

Courts are very slippery when wet.
Trees overhang courts on West side and at South/east corner. Debris and moss can accumulate.
The retaining wall adjacent to West court could be used as a practice wall.
Cts 1& 3 have new net posts, Cts 2& 4 posts rusting.
4 steel benches
Times on STANS sign on North side have been obliterated
Minor court surface deterioration E-W on north side of courts and up the middle of Ct 1

Derek Inman/Neighbourhood House
Location: East 1st street at St Georges.
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: 6 in the alley and on-street.
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Blue on green newly painted.
Court surface condition: Good.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two new nets. Need wrench. Signage: See notes below.
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? No. Retaining wall could be used for practice.
Surrounding area and condition: Good. See Notes below.
Usage: Very well used summer and winter.

Lights available for night play.
Courts have Neighbourhood House immediately to the north, an alley to the east, a small park/playground at S/W corner and 1st street light industrial area to the south.
Signage: tennis only, instructions for turning on lights and court rules.

Mickey McDougall Field
Location: East 24th Street just east of St. Georges
Number of courts: Two.
Number of parking spots: Ten or more, shared with playing field users.
Court surface composition and colour: Popcorn. Green on Red.
Court surface condition: Needs work. See Notes below.*
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Good. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard.
Condition of fencing: Good.
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: No.
Surrounding area and condition: Playing field to the east, Rec Centre to the west. No significant trees.
Usage: Unknown.

Courts are end-to-end, north-south.
*North court has depressed drain behind the baseline that could be dangerous.
*Significant cracks remain in both South and North court playing areas.
Metal poles on the North court playing surface should be removed as they represent a potential danger.
Surface of the courts is pitted in some areas. Water will worsen it over time.
New plastic benches are unsecured.

Ridgeway School
Location: N off East Keith Rd on Ridgeway at 9th St.
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: On-Street only. Restricted.
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Blue on Green
Court surface condition: Good.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Need wrench.
Signage: Tennis Only/no skateboards etc.
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? No.
Surrounding area and condition: Good. See Notes below.
Usage: Very well used.

Court was in bad shape until brought back to life in 2013 by City staff.
Overhanging trees, particularly on N side, regularly result in detritus on the courts.
Adjacent blackberry bush has made inroads into the court area on E side.
Stones finding their way on to the courts from pathway on E side.
Courts could use a wash.

Rodger Burnes Park
Court name: Rodger Burnes Park.
Location: 22nd and Eastern – south of Harry Jerome Rec Center.
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: 10 shared with lawn bowling plus off-street parking.
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Green on Red.
Court surface condition: Good.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Good*. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard.
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: No.
Surrounding area and condition: Lawn bowling green immediately west of courts.
Usage: Well used.

Courts are end-to-end.
Harry Jerome washrooms nearby.
New plastic benches chained.
*North net separated from wire in two places.

Tempe Heights Park
Location: On Tempe Glen running south off 29th street.
Number of courts: Two.
Number of parking spots: Eight plus on-street parking.
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Blue on Green.
Court surface condition: Good*see notes below.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Good. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard.
Condition of fencing: Good.
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: No.
Surrounding area and condition: Very open.
Usage: Well used.

These courts were recently repaired and repainted.
Need power wash
Enclosed basketball court immediately adjacent to courts.
Playground on east side of the courts.
Main access door closing mechanism not functional.

“Little” Cates Park
Location: East off Dollarton Hwy on Dollar Rd, south on Roslyn Blvd.
Number of courts: Four
Number of parking spots: 6 or so plus on-street
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Green on Red
Court surface condition: Courts 1&2 OK. See notes below.*
Number of nets: Four
Condition of nets: Good
Adjustability of nets: Need wrench
Signage: Standard plus reserved**
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: Yes. Yes. Separated from courts.
Surrounding area and condition: Good for 1&2. Trees overhang 3&4
Usage: well used

***At this writing, (June 2014), Cates courts are scheduled for renewal.
* Currently courts 3&4 dirty, pockmarked, cracks, vegetation growing, poor lines.
** STANS Reserves 1&2 Tuesday/Thursday. Deep Cove Tennis Association reserves 1&2 Saturday and Tuesday afternoons.
Could use a garbage can somewhere nearby as noted in 2013 report.

Cleveland Park
Location: On Prospect Ave east off Capilano Rd.
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: On-Street only.
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt Green on Red
Court surface condition: Good.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? No
Surrounding area and condition: Good. See Notes below.
Usage: Very well used.

At southern edge of a large park.
Well drained courts, slanted to the edges.
N/W access gate chained at time of 2014 survey (Late May& June 9)

Delbrook Park
Location: Corner of West Queens Rd. and Delbrook Ave.
Number of courts: Two.
Number of parking spots: Approx 15 shared with playing field.
Court surface composition and colour: Popcorn. Blue on Green. Slippery when wet.
Court surface condition: Excellent.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Good. Need wrench
Signage: Standard.
Condition of fencing: Good.
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: Yes/No.
Surrounding area and condition: Few trees. Hill on the north side leads to the playing fields.
Usage: well used.

These courts are end to end and oriented east/west and nets, posts, fence seem new.
Courts were repainted in 2013.
Courts look as though they drain well to N/W & S/W drains.
Another small tree has taken root at the back of the west court and should be removed.
Washrooms adjacent to courts.
Practice wall remains but is immediately adjacent to a beautiful new garden.
Parking spots are shared with field users and when the field is active, the parking spots are full.

Delbrook Centre
Location: On west Queens just east of Delbrook Ave. beside Rec Centre.
Number of courts: Three.
Number of parking spots: Many, shared with users of the Rec Centre.
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Green on Red.
Court surface condition: Good. See notes below.*
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Three. Need wrench. See notes below**
Signage: Standard plus.
Condition of fencing: good.
Surrounding area and condition: Building to the west, parking lot to the south, driveway on the north and road on the east.
Usage: Well used.
Lights available for night play.
*N/W corner has root damage.
** Net on west side has hole that needs repairs. Canvas at top of nets fraying noticeably.
Washrooms available in the Rec Centre.

Eldon Park
Location: East off Capilano Road on Eldon. Or off Sunset on Ruby Ave (Near Edgemont Village).
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: 45/50 stalls shared with playground and field users.
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Blue on Green
Court surface condition: Good.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? Yes. On court. Line on wall.
Surrounding area and condition: Good. Open.
Usage: Very well used.

Washrooms and water available.
Courts Adjacent to playing field. Playground to the east.
Courts recently resurfaced.

Evelyn Park
Location: West of Lynn Valley Rd, one north of Dempster off Evelyn St.
Number of courts: two
Number of parking spots:7-10 and street parking on Evelyn and on Underwood
Court surface composition and colour: Unpainted Asphalt
Court surface condition: Good. Lines renewed.
Number, condition, adjustability of nets: two. Need wrench
Signage: Standard
Condition of fencing: New fencing in place.
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: No
Surrounding area and condition: adjacent to small playground. Trees on S/W/N sides
Usage: Unknown.

Garibaldi Park
Court name: Garibaldi Park
Location: South off Mt Seymour Parkway on Mt Seymour Rd then west on Garibaldi
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: 7 plus on-street
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Green on Red
Court surface condition: Minor cracks and bumps
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Good. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard plus Rec Commission lessons.
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/Practice wall lines: Yes. Yes
Surrounding area and condition: Good. Trees drop on N/W corner
Usage: Well used.

As per 2013 comments, courts would benefit from a paint job.
Approx 46 meters wide.

Glenwood Park
Location: On Glenwood Ave north off Handsworth Rd.
Number of courts: One
Number of parking spots. On-street only
Court surface composition and colour: Plain asphalt.*
Court surface condition: Reasonable.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: New net.
Signage: Standard
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice lines: No
Surrounding area and condition: Surrounded by cedar trees that shed and contribute to moss growth.
Usage: Unknown

*Thanks to District staff who have addressed problems noted in 2013.
*Lines need repainting.

Grousewoods Park
Location: On Grousewoods Dr, east off Capilano Road
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: On-Street only.
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt Green on Red
Court surface condition: Excellent
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard
Condition of fencing: Excellent.
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? No.
Surrounding area and condition: Good. See Notes below.
Usage: Very well used.

Cracks noted in 2013 have been repaired.
Small playground adjacent to courts.
Trees set back from the courts. No significant shedding on courts.

Indian River Park
Location: adjacent to Dorothy Lynas School, off Indian River Drive
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: on-street only
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Green on Red
Court surface condition: Minor cracks and bumps*
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Good. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard
Condition of fencing: good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: No
Surrounding area and condition: Good. Trees on S/E/W sides
Usage: Well used.

*As noted in 2013, cracks in West court and between courts bleed into West court
Adjacent to schoolyard and playground
Minor surface damage.

Institute Park
Location: On Institute Rd. off Lynn Valley Rd via Harold Rd.
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: Six plus On-Street.
Court surface composition and colour: Plain asphalt.* See note below.
Court surface condition: OK.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? No.
Surrounding area and condition: Good.
Usage: Well used.

*Lines newly painted and pickle ball lines added.

Kirkstone Park
Location: East off Lynn Valley Rd. off Kirkstone beside Karen Magnussen Centre
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: 20+ shared with Rec Centre
Court surface composition and colour:*Popcorn/Blue on Green
Court surface condition: Good.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: *Two. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard. Newly added sign says slippery when wet.*
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? No.
Surrounding area and condition: Good. See Notes below.
Usage: Very well used.

*Courts newly painted.
South net needs proper adjustment.
*Courts are very slippery when wet. New signage reflects that.
*New sign noting that when NVRC lessons are happening, tennis courts nearby include Boundary School. There are no courts at Boundary School.
Trees on south, west and north sides. No sign of moss.
Washrooms available in Karen Magnussen Centre

McCartney Creek Park
Location: North off Mt Seymour Parkway off Northlands
Number of courts: Two
Number of parking spots: 50 shared with playing fields
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Green on Red
Court surface condition: Good
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Good. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard plus Tennis Only sign
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: No
Surrounding area and condition: Large shedding trees on West side
Usage: Well used.

Needs a power wash
Washrooms nearby.
Large playing fields adjacent.

Murdo Frazer
Location: Take Paisley east off Capilano Rd. then east on Elizabeth Way.
Number of courts: Seven
Number of parking spots: 12-14 plus on-street on Elizabeth Way.
Court surface composition and colour: Six Popcorn/Green on Red + one plain asphalt
Court surface condition: Good. See notes below*
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Seven. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard + STANS reserved
Condition of fencing: Good.
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? Yes. Separate practice area.
Surrounding area and condition: Heavily treed. See notes below**
Usage: Very well used.

Courts are very slippery when wet.
Drinking water and temporary washrooms available.
The large practice court is fenced off and separate from the courts.
*There is a large crack in the N/W corner of court 2 running into the playing area that should be watched carefully and repaired as necessary.
The lines on Court 7 have been repainted. Fencing here is in bad shape.
One of the fence posts on court two is threatened by a crack and the subsequent collapse of a piece of the stonework at the north end of the court. One was repaired in 2013 and a new one has appeared on the same court.
Holes in nets on Cts 1&3.
As noted in 2013, courts 3-6 inclusive have pockmarked/pitted areas that have allowed water to sit and damage the surface. These should be patched as soon as possible. Play is now being affected.
**Trees overhang all six of the popcorn courts. They are all subject to leaves/twigs/drips and should be power washed at least twice in spring and early summer. Courts 5 & 6 receive less sunlight and are subject to more problems.

Myrtle Park
Location: West off Deep Cove Rd on Cliffmont
Number of courts: Four.
Number of parking spots: 20 shared with park users
Court surface composition: Popcorn. Blue on Green
Court surface condition: Excellent.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Four. Good. Need wrench
Signage: Standard plus reserved times*
Condition of fencing: good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: Yes. No.
Surrounding area and condition: good. Trees overhang west side
Usage: Well used.

*Deep Cove Tennis Club reserves two courts on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings.
*Courts 1&2 reserved for STANS Tues/Thurs 8-noon while Cates being redone.
Courts seem well drained. Slippery when wet.
Long walk to parking and washrooms.

Pemberton Mini/ Firehall
Location: On 15th street just west of Pemberton
Number of courts: One
Number of parking spots: On-street plus access through park.
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt on green.
Court surface condition: Good.
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: One. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard
Condition of fencing: Good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines? No.
Surrounding area and condition: Enclosed. See notes below*
Usage: well used.
Cracks noted in 2013 have been repaired.
*East and west sides are within a few feet of adjacent buildings. South side leads into park.
Garbage can available.

Princess Park
Location: Princess Ave., north off East Osborne Rd.
Number of courts. Two
Number of parking spots. Approx 40.
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Green on Red.
Court surface condition: Good. See notes below:*
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Good. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard.
Condition of fencing: Good.
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: Yes/No
Surrounding area and condition: Heavily treed.
Usage: Unknown.

Mature trees on north and south sides of courts shed debris onto courts.
As noted in 2013, courts need a power wash.
East-West layout.
Washrooms on site.
Adjacent playground/park
Minor surface peeling on E side of S court.

Welch Strip
Location: In Norgate on Pinewood Cr. S off Marine on Philip then E on Sowden and South on Redwood.
Number of courts: Two.
Number of parking spots. On-street only.
Court surface composition and colour: Plain asphalt.
Court surface condition: Good.
Number, Condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Need wrench.
Signage: Standard.
Condition of fencing: OK
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: No
Surrounding area and condition: Trees on S/E/W sides
Usage: Unknown

Lines need painting.
Tree roots causing buckling on the side of the west court.
Adjacent to the Spirit Trail.

Westover Park
Location: East off Lynn Valley road at Allen, then E again on Westover.
Number of courts: two
Number of parking spots: 12 adjacent to practice wall + on-street
Court surface composition and colour: Coated asphalt. Green on red
Court surface condition: Needs help.*
Number, condition and adjustability of nets: Two. Good. Need special wrench.
Signage: standard
Condition of fencing: good
Practice wall/ Practice wall lines: Yes/No. See notes below.
Surrounding area and condition: Trees on S/N/E sides plus s/w corner
Usage: Well used.

* Noticeable pitting and many small hairline cracks
Power washed and lines repainted
One practice wall on East court. No line.
Main practice wall is separate from courts and fenced in. No lines.